Soccer Super Stats
Soccer Super Stats
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Library Binding ©2018--
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Lerner Publications
Just the Series: Pro Sports Stats   

Series and Publisher: Pro Sports Stats   

Annotation: Soccer is the most popular sport on the planet, and this book has all the statistics a soccer fan could want'from brilliant goals to World Cup records to legendary team performances. Learn how fans around the world use numbers to tell the stories of their favorite teams and how players use statistics to improve.
Genre: [Sports and games]
Reviews: 1
Catalog Number: #142779
Format: Library Binding
Copyright Date: 2018
Edition Date: 2018 Release Date: 08/01/17
Pages: 32 pages
ISBN: 1-512-43409-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-512-43409-5
Dewey: 796.334
LCCN: 2016058432
Dimensions: 24 cm.
Language: English
Horn Book (Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 CDT 2018)

Colorful graphs galore highlight past and present statistics of the star players and top teams in six action-packed sports. In addition to the mind-boggling numbers and splashy graphics, the books also touch on unique features of each sport, how coaches use stats to improve a team's performance, and how statistics have generated public interest in computerized fantasy sports. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind.

Reviewing Agencies: - Find Other Reviewed Titles
Horn Book (Wed Aug 01 00:00:00 CDT 2018)
Bibliography Index/Note: Includes bibliographical references (page 31) and index.
Word Count: 2,099
Reading Level: 5.5
Interest Level: 3-6
Accelerated Reader: reading level: 5.5 / points: 0.5 / quiz: 190201 / grade: Middle Grades
Lexile: 1020L
Guided Reading Level: V
Fountas & Pinnell: V

Soccer is the most popular sport on the planet, and this book has all the statistics a soccer fan could wantfrom brilliant goals to World Cup records to legendary team performances. Learn how fans around the world use numbers to tell the stories of their favorite teams and how players use statistics to improve.

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