Get to Work, Hercules!
Get to Work, Hercules!
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Paperback ©2012--
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Stone Arch Books
Just the Series: Myth-O-Mania Vol. 7   

Series and Publisher: Myth-O-Mania   

Annotation: In this updated version of Greek mythology, Hades, King of the Underworld, tells the true story of Hercules and his twelve labors.
Genre: [Humorous fiction]
Reviews: 2
Catalog Number: #493289
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Stone Arch Books
Copyright Date: 2012
Edition Date: 2012 Release Date: 07/01/11
Pages: 199 pages
ISBN: 1-434-23440-1
ISBN 13: 978-1-434-23440-7
Dewey: Fic
LCCN: 2011018229
Dimensions: 21 cm.
Language: English
Horn Book (Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 CDT 2012)

Using Hades as an observer and holder of the narrative thread, McMullan has rewritten famous Greek myths in a modern style. Plentiful humorous dialogue, including jokes, puns, and pop-culture references, ups the appeal. The author does take artistic license with the source material, but the core of the myths remains.

School Library Journal (Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 CDT 2022)

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Horn Book (Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 CDT 2012)
School Library Journal (Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 CDT 2022)
Word Count: 26,653
Reading Level: 3.7
Interest Level: 4-7
Accelerated Reader: reading level: 3.7 / points: 4.0 / quiz: 71270 / grade: Middle Grades
Reading Counts!: reading level:3.1 / points:7.0 / quiz:Q63414
Lexile: 530L

You've heard of Hercules, right? Big, strong guy who did tons of amazing, heroic deeds? Well one part of that myth is correct. Hercules was big and strong. But he had a teeny-tiny brain. He couldn't have done any of those heroic deeds if it hadn't been for his friends telling him exactly what to do. Hades sets the record straight on the true story of Hercules.

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