20 Fun Facts About Reptile Adaptations
20 Fun Facts About Reptile Adaptations
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Library Binding ©2016--
Paperback ©2017--
Ebook ©2017--
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Gareth Stevens Publishing
Just the Series: Fun Fact File: Animal Adaptations   

Series and Publisher: Fun Fact File: Animal Adaptations   

Annotation: Offers facts about snakes, alligators, chameleons, lizards, and other reptiles, demonstrating how they have adapted their appearance and behavior to survive in their environments.
Genre: [Biology]
Reviews: 0
Catalog Number: #504938
Format: Paperback
Copyright Date: 2017
Edition Date: 2017 Release Date: 07/30/16
Pages: 32 pages
ISBN: 1-482-44452-6
ISBN 13: 978-1-482-44452-0
Dewey: 597.9
LCCN: 2015025254
Dimensions: 22 cm.
Language: English
Bibliography Index/Note: Includes bibliographical references (page 31) and index.
Word Count: 1,519
Reading Level: 4.6
Interest Level: 2-5
Accelerated Reader: reading level: 4.6 / points: 0.5 / quiz: 183279 / grade: Lower Grades
Lexile: 820L
Guided Reading Level: N

Reptiles lay their eggs on land and most spend a lot of their time out of the water. While this is a fact today, it wasn't always this way. Living on land is an adaptation reptiles underwent millions of years ago. Even more adaptations, such as how reptiles regulate their body temperature and their scaly skin, are more apparent to those studying crocodiles, turtles, and other reptiles in modern times. Using a unique format of short facts, this book introduces readers to the science concepts of evolution as well as the features that classify an animal as a reptile.

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