ALA Booklist
(Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 CST 2012)
This entry in the Facts at Your Fingertips: Endangered Animals series introduces a variety of invertebrates, highlighting those that have faced or are in danger of extinction. An overview includes general characteristics of invertebrates; their impact on the environment, ecology, and human health; and the difficulties of identifying and counting endangered populations. This is followed by a discussion of creatures from around the world, from giant Gippsland earthworms to tiny Raft spiders; each is accompanied by color photos or drawings and a "Data Panel" sidebar detailing the animal's physical attributes, diet, habitat, and survival threats, which include humans, overcollection, and chemical pollutants. The text is somewhat dense and, with scientific descriptions, can feel academic at times. There are some inconsistencies throughout, such as acronyms not included in the glossary or index. Nonetheless, this slim volume's attractively designed, colorful layout and glossy pages pack a wealth of often-fascinating information that, while not always easily accessible, does include supplemental material for science- or conservation-minded researchers. Back matter includes information on wildlife organizations, a glossary, further reading, and websites.
Horn Book
(Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 CDT 2012)
Each volume begins with background information about the title animal group, including consideration of the specific dangers faced by that type of animal. Profiles of various endangered species (classified by threat level) follow on double-page spreads with solid factual information (in very small type), accompanied by a field guidelike data summary, color photographs, illustrations, and habitat maps. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind.
School Library Journal
(Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 CDT 2022)
HARRIS, Tim . Fish . ISBN 978-1-936333-32-5 . LC 2010053976. HARRIS, Tim . Invertebrates . ISBN 978-1-936333-33-2 . LC 2010053967. HARRIS, Tim . Mammals of the Northern Hemisphere . ISBN 978-1-936333-34-9 . LC 2010053969. HARRIS, Tim . Mammals of the Southern Hemisphere . ISBN 978-1-936333-35-6 . LC 2010053970. HARRIS, Tim . Reptiles and Amphibians . ISBN 978-1-936333-36-3 . LC 2010053968. ea vol: 64p. (Facts at Your Fingertips: Endangered Animals Series). charts. illus. maps. photos. further reading. glossary. index. Websites. CIP. Brown Bear Bks. 2011. PLB $35.65. Gr 7 Up Organized in an encyclopedia style, each book covers more than 20 endangered species, devoting a spread to each one. An introduction provides context on the whole group. A data panel for every profiled creature lists basic information, such as scientific name, population, range (with map), size, diet, and breeding, while the text focuses on how the animal lives and why it's endangered. The categories of threat (vulnerable, endangered, etc.) assigned by the International Union for Conservation of Nature are included, along with an explanation of these classifications and facts about other conservation organizations. Due to the dense amount of information, these titles would most likely be used by students seeking resources for assignments; unfortunately, some animals (such as the sea otter and Steller's sea lion) have been omitted from the index, and others (such as the kiwi) must be located under their full name (Northern brown kiwi).