ALA Booklist
(Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 CST 2016)
The Calling All Innovators series introduces a varied array of career possibilities within STEM-related fields. After a few pages of historical background, the books offer a broad survey of the field, consider particular aspects in more detail, and look at trends indicative of future job prospects. The clean, spacious page design typically includes a clearly reproduced color photo that appears on every page. Just as the discussions often take a global perspective, the photos in most of the volumes show a diverse group of women and men at work. One interesting double-page feature appearing in the books is a Q&A session with someone active in the field. Food Engineering interviews a food scientist who entered the field in 2012. "The Artistic Side" article in each book introduces job possibilities in architecture, food-packaging design, and software-user interface design as well as the intersection of traditional visual arts with engineering and technology. In the back matter, a "Career Stats" page breaks down three occupations within each field into factoids, such as education required, median salary, and number of jobs. An attractive, informative career series for students open to STEM opportunities.
School Library Journal
OTFINOSKI, Steven . High-Speed Trains: From Concept to Consumer . ISBN 9780531218990 . OTFINOSKI, Steven . Wind, Solar, and Geothermal Power: From Concept to Consumer . ISBN 9780531218976 . YOMTOV, Nel . Internet Security: From Concept to Consumer . ISBN 9780531218969 . ea vol: 64p. (Calling All Innovators: A Career for You). chron. glossary. index. photos. websites. Children's Pr. 2015. lib. ed. $30. Gr 5-8 Thorough, accurate, and engaging, these titles explore four unique STEM-related careers and convey their importance through engrossing text and striking photographs. Including rich historical context and fun nods to the past, such as the print ad for Tang circa 1966, the volumes focus on the current state of each innovative profession while considering where each may be headed in the years to come. What makes this series stand out is its currency. Students will learn about cutting-edge technology, from cotton candy-flavored green grapes to 3-D printers that create food. Interviews with professionals provide firsthand information, while sidebars such as "Career Stats" fill readers in on median annual salary, projected job growth, required education, and more. Both features succeed in presenting an honest look at the realities associated with the careers. Graphics appear on every page and present visuals that support the text, and a brief time line highlighting advancements in the field begins every chapter. Even the design of the table of contents feels fresh and is perfectly in line with the forward-thinking scientists at the heart of these innovative professions. VERDICT Delightful and dynamic additions.