School Library Journal
(Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 CDT 2022)
JACKSON, Tom , ed. Buildings and Structures . ISBN 978-1-936333-41-7 . LC 2011046991. JACKSON, Tom , ed. Land and Water Transportation . ISBN 978-1-936333-42-4 . LC 2011046989. JACKSON, Tom , ed. Medicine and Health . ISBN 978-1-936333-38-7 . LC 2012004786. JACKSON, Tom , ed. Military and Security . ISBN 978-1-936333-37-0 . LC 2012004788. JACKSON, Tom , ed. Power and Energy . ISBN 978-1-936333-39-4 . LC 2012004787. ea vol: 64p. (Facts at Your Fingertips: Invention and Technology Series). diags. illus. photos. reprods. chron. further reading. glossary. index. websites. CIP. Brown Bear Bks. 2012. PLB $35.65. Gr 6 Up From ancient times to the present day, these titles lead readers through the history of one type of technology. In every volume, five or six chapters cover broad themes, with diagrams and sidebars highlighting more specific topics such as inventors, inventions, scientific principles, and definitions (which are repeated in the glossary). The writing can be technical at times, and since there is so much to summarize in a short space, the texts sometimes read like who's-who lists. Researchers will find these books useful, but because of the broad scope, they won't discover many details about individual innovations and inventions. Unfortunately, the set is marred by typographical errors. Smart Apple's "New Technology" series covers some of the same topics at a similar level.
ALA Booklist
This entry in the Facts at Your Fingertips: Invention and Technology series offers a wealth of information about basic structural engineering and the scientific principles behind important construction elements. Key architects like Gustav Eiffel and Frank Lloyd Wright are introduced while discussing the evolution of traditional and modern construction designs. Subsequent topics include "controlling water" for human consumption, changing the landscape via dams and other feats of engineering, designing bridges and tunnels, and creating innovations in the home that make everyday life easier. A concluding time line ranges from the earliest tools known to man to the opening of a high-speed rail line in China in 2011. Illustrated with exterior, interior, and overhead shots aplenty, this is a thorough look at the art and science of the buildings that surround us.
Horn Book
(Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 CDT 2013)
This book covers a broad range of information, providing a brief history of early medicine before moving on to such topics as drugs, diagnosis and diagnostic devices, and surgical procedures. Reproduction, genetics, and fertility are also addressed. Photographs, drawings, and inserts extend the dry text but contribute to crowded pages. This offers a satisfactory introduction to the health services field. Reading list, timeline, websites. Glos., ind.