Bitterblue: A Graceling Realm Book
Bitterblue: A Graceling Realm Book
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Perma-Bound Edition ©2012--
Paperback ©2013--
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Just the Series: Graceling Realm Vol. 3   

Series and Publisher: Graceling Realm   

Annotation: Eighteen-year-old Bitterblue, queen of Monsea, realizes her heavy responsibility and the futility of relying on advisors who surround her with lies as she tries to help her people to heal from the thirty-five-year spell cast by her father.
Genre: [Fantasy fiction]
Reviews: 8
Catalog Number: #75473
Format: Perma-Bound Edition
Publisher: Penguin
Copyright Date: 2012
Edition Date: 2013 Release Date: 09/17/13
Pages: 563 pages
ISBN: Publisher: 0-14-242601-6 Perma-Bound: 0-605-73171-3
ISBN 13: Publisher: 978-0-14-242601-2 Perma-Bound: 978-0-605-73171-4
Dewey: Fic
LCCN: 2011035026
Dimensions: 22 cm.
Language: English
Kirkus Reviews (Fri Oct 04 00:00:00 CDT 2024)

Building on the plots and themes of the award-winning Graceling (2008) and its companion Fire (2009), this rich and poignant fantasy grapples with the messy aftermath of destroying an evil overlord. Nine years after Bitterblue took the crown, the young queen and her realm are still struggling to come to terms with the monstrous legacy of her father, the insane, mind-controlling Leck. How can she "look forward," as her advisors urge, when she cannot trust her memories of the past? Sneaking out of her castle, Bitterblue discovers that her people have not healed as much as she has been told. While "truthseekers" are determined to restore what Leck destroyed, others are willing to kill to keep their secrets hidden. Gorgeous, textured prose is filled with images of strange beauty and restrained horror. It propels an intricate narrative dense with subplots and rich in characters familiar and new. Weaving them together are all the lies: conspiracies and ciphers, fakes and false testimony, spies and thieves, disguises and deceptions, mazes and puzzles. They are lies spun from greed, shame, strategy, fear, duty--even kindness. And it is Bitterblue who, trapped in this net of deceit, must draw upon all her courage, cleverness and ferocious compassion to reveal the truth--and to care for those it shatters. Devastating and heartbreaking, this will be a disappointment for readers looking for a conventional happy ending. But those willing to take the risk will--like Bitterblue--achieve something even more precious: a hopeful beginning. (Fantasy. 14 & up)

School Library Journal (Fri Oct 06 00:00:00 CDT 2023)

Gr 8 Up-ight years after the death of her despotic father, King Leck, 18-year-old Queen Bitterblue is still struggling to bring healing and peace to her people of Monsea. Leck was a Gracelingable to make everyone forget their painallowing him to control and torture all Monseans. Helped by her ever-loyal cousin Prince Po and Graceling Katsa, Bitterblue is beginning to ask more questions about how her country is run than her advisers and judges would like. Befriending rebel truthseekers such as Teddy and Graceling Sapphire puts Bitterblue in tremendous danger as she hunts for answers to why her citizens are not being taught to read and how those looking for reparations from Leck's crimes seem to be systematically killed. Bitterblue herself is attacked several times in an attempt to stop her inquiries. The dramatic unveiling of who is behind all the violence finally gives Bitterblue a sad but honest understanding of her reign. A romance simmers between Saph and Bitterblue, but at the heart of this novel is how atrocities of the past can be handled with care and compassion in the future. Xanthe Elbrick's narration is powerful, with each major character having a distinct and memorable voice. This high fantasy is a masterly weaving of adventure, mystery, and romance. VERDICT Highly recommended for fantasy fans. ["The believable maturation of Bitterblue's character is worthy of praise": SLJ 5/12 review of the Dial book.]Suzanne Dix, The Seven Hills School, Cincinnati

Horn Book

This Graceling sequel picks up eight years after Katsa killed King Leck, making his daughter Bitterblue queen of Monsea. Now eighteen, Bitterblue sneaks out of the castle at night, and a friendship with two thieves causes her to reevaluate everything she's been told and whom she can trust. Though Cashore brings back many plot points and characters from the previous books, she still makes this volume its own distinct story.

ALA Booklist

Bitterblue, who appeared as a child in Graceling (2008), comes into her own as a woman and a queen, looking beyond her advisors and secretly exploring her city in order to discover her purpose as ruler. Years after the violent acts initiated by her father, the past still haunts his victims and taints those forced to carry out his sadistic orders. Working blindly and unsure who to trust, Bitterblue tries to uncover her father's darkest secrets and heal the still-festering wounds he created. Meanwhile, troubles are brewing outside her country's borders and within her castle walls. Though the novel could be read on its own, it will be more fully understood by readers of Graceling and Fire (2009), as some characters from those books have roles here as well. Readers drawn to Cashore's novels by the strong, complex protagonists, their love stories, and their adventures will find similar elements here. Bitterblue is a strong-willed yet vulnerable character, but her love story and adventures are overshadowed by the painfully slow revelations of old secrets, ongoing deceptions, and malicious intrigues. Still, a must-read title for Cashore's many fans. HIGH-DEMAND BACK STORY: With publicity that ranges from an author tour to a dedicated website, to promotion at Comic-Con International, this will get plenty of attention.

Starred Review for Kirkus Reviews (Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 CDT 2022)

Building on the plots and themes of the award-winning Graceling (2008) and its companion Fire (2009), this rich and poignant fantasy grapples with the messy aftermath of destroying an evil overlord. Nine years after Bitterblue took the crown, the young queen and her realm are still struggling to come to terms with the monstrous legacy of her father, the insane, mind-controlling Leck. How can she "look forward," as her advisors urge, when she cannot trust her memories of the past? Sneaking out of her castle, Bitterblue discovers that her people have not healed as much as she has been told. While "truthseekers" are determined to restore what Leck destroyed, others are willing to kill to keep their secrets hidden. Gorgeous, textured prose is filled with images of strange beauty and restrained horror. It propels an intricate narrative dense with subplots and rich in characters familiar and new. Weaving them together are all the lies: conspiracies and ciphers, fakes and false testimony, spies and thieves, disguises and deceptions, mazes and puzzles. They are lies spun from greed, shame, strategy, fear, duty--even kindness. And it is Bitterblue who, trapped in this net of deceit, must draw upon all her courage, cleverness and ferocious compassion to reveal the truth--and to care for those it shatters. Devastating and heartbreaking, this will be a disappointment for readers looking for a conventional happy ending. But those willing to take the risk will--like Bitterblue--achieve something even more precious: a hopeful beginning. (Fantasy. 14 & up)

Reviewing Agencies: - Find Other Reviewed Titles
Kirkus Reviews (Fri Oct 04 00:00:00 CDT 2024)
School Library Journal (Fri Oct 06 00:00:00 CDT 2023)
Horn Book
ALA Booklist
Starred Review for Kirkus Reviews (Thu Apr 28 00:00:00 CDT 2022)
Wilson's High School Catalog
School Library Journal Starred Review
Voice of Youth Advocates
Word Count: 147,587
Reading Level: 5.6
Interest Level: 7-12
Accelerated Reader: reading level: 5.6 / points: 23.0 / quiz: 153664 / grade: Upper Grades
Reading Counts!: reading level:6.2 / points:32.0 / quiz:Q57898
Lexile: HL790L
Guided Reading Level: O
Fountas & Pinnell: O

Enter the Graceling Realm and let it work its magic in this unforgettable novel from New York Times bestselling author Kristin Cashore. 

When Queen Bitterblue took the throne of Monsea, she was a child, and her advisers ran the kingdom for her. Now she is beginning to question their decisions, especially how they handle the legacy of her father Leck, who who ruled through his Grace—a special talent for mind-altering—and his taste for darkness and violence. Bitterblue needs to know Monsea’s past to lead it into the future, so she begins exploring the city sreets at night, disguised and alone. As she does, she meets two thieves, who hold a key to the truth of Leck's reign. And one of them, with a Grace that he hasn't yet identified, holds a key to her heart.

Bitterblue is a gateway to the Graceling Realm that braids together magic, memory, and romance.

Look for Kristin Cashore's highly-anticipated return to the Graceling Realm, Winterkeep!

"Some authors can tell a good story; some can write well. Cashore is one of the rare novelists who do both. Thrillingly imagined and beautifully executed, Bitterblue stands as a splendid contribution in a long literarly tradition." —The New York Times Book Review on Bitterblue

* "Brilliantly detailed and brimming with vibrant and dynamic characters." —SLJ, starred review of Bitterblue

“There are some books that stick with you for years, and Kristen Cashore’s Fire is one of them. Thoughtful, steamy and completely original, Fire is YA fantasy at its absolute best.”—Sabaa Tahir, author of New York Times bestselling Ember in the Ashes on Fire

A New York Times bestseller
ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults
A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year
A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year
A BCCB Blue Ribbon Title

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