Cover Me
Perma-Bound is proud to offer free inclusion of cover image URLs in the 856 tags of your MARC records provided by Perma-Bound with your orders!
With our Cover Me service, the cover image link provided goes directly to a full color cover image hosted on our website.
Many circulation systems can use this tag to display cover images through public access catalogs, (see the example of Sneak Peek in Alexandria to the left). If this display option is not included in your circulation system or your public access catalog, the link will go directly to Perma-Bound's website to pull up the image. Note: Internet access would be required in order to do so.
In order to benefit from this free service from Perma-Bound give our customer service department a call at +1 800 637-6581. They'll be happy to change your processing specifications to include the Cover Me 856 tags on all future MARC records we process for you!