Looking to Identify Gaps in the Series in Your Collection?

Perma-Bound's Manage My Collection service can help you easily identify the gaps in your collection, including titles missing from popular series. This service will also help you to eliminate duplicates, and accommodates any circulation system - and best of all, it's FREE!

Getting started is easy!

  • Export your MARC records from your circulation system
  • Upload the records to the Perma-Bound website via My Account page
  • Within 1-2 hours, your records will be analyzed and results will be posted to your web account

How do I identify the titles I'm missing in a series?

A few simple steps will help you identify missing titles and enable you to add them to a list for future purchase!

  1. Login to your Perma-Bound.com account
  2. Make sure your most current MARC records are uploaded
  3. Go to 'Advanced Search' located in upper right-hand corner
  4. In the 'Narrow By' box at the top of the Advanced Search page, choose 'Series', and enter the series name you are searching for
  5. Scroll down to 'Manage My Collection' section
  6. Select 'Hide Exact Matches' and 'Hide Partial Matches'
  7. Click 'Submit'
  8. The search results that come back will be just the titles that you don't currently have in your collection that are a part of that series you were searching for.
  9. You can then use the 'List Management' options to create or open an existing list and add the titles for future purchase!