Nebraska State Standards for Science: Grade 4

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

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NE.CM.1. Coordination with Mathematics: Science requires the use of mathematics in the collection and treatment of data and in the reasoning used to develop concepts, laws, and theories. The mathematics that students should understand and use in the study of science are listed below.

NE.4.1. Unifying Concepts and Processes: Unifying concepts and processes help students think about and integrate a range of basic ideas which builds an understanding of the natural world.

4.1.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of systems, order, and organization.

4.1.1.a. Describe the parts that make up a system. 87
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.1.a.

4.1.1.b. Relate how the parts of a system affect the whole system. 77
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.1.b.

4.1.2. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of evidence, models, and explanation.

4.1.2.a. Use evidence gathered from an investigation to develop a scientific explanation. 35
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.2.a.

4.1.2.b. Create a model, graph, or illustration that represents an object, living thing, or an. 44
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.2.b.

4.1.2.c. Explain and answer questions about a model and how it represents an object, living thing, or an event. 44
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.2.c.

4.1.2.d. Explain procedures or ideas in more than one way (e.g., sketches, charts, and graphs). 44
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.2.d.

4.1.3. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of change, constancy, and measurement.

4.1.3.a. Describe observable changes (e.g., speed, pattern, shape, position, and size). 11
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.3.a.

4.1.3.b. Measure a change using appropriate tools and units of measurement. 16
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.1.3.b.

4.1.4. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of form and function.

4.1.4.a. Construct a device to perform a simple task and explain how it works.

NE.4.2. Science As Inquiry: Science as inquiry requires students to combine processes and scientific knowledge with scientific reasoning and critical thinking to develop their understanding of science.

4.2.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop the abilities needed to do scientific inquiry.

4.2.1.a. Ask a question about objects, organisms, and events in their surroundings. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.2.1.a.

4.2.1.b. Plan and conduct a simple investigation. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.2.1.b.

4.2.1.c. Use simple equipment and tools (e.g., thermometers and scales) to gather data and extend the senses. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.2.1.c.

4.2.1.d. Use data develop reasonable explanations. 35
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.2.1.d.

4.2.1.e. Communicate procedures, results, and explanations of an investigation. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.2.1.e.

NE.4.3. Physical Science: Physical science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

4.3.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the characteristics of objects and materials.

4.3.1.a. Classify objects by observable characteristics (shape, size, and color). 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.1.a.

4.3.1.b. Compare and contrast characteristics of common materials using tools (e.g., rulers, scales, thermometers, microscopes, and hand lenses). 7
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.1.b.

4.3.1.c. Demonstrate that materials can change from solid to liquid to gas by heating and from gas to liquid to solid by cooling. 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.1.c.

4.3.2. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the position and motion of objects.

4.3.2.a. Use reference points to describe the position of an object.

4.3.2.b. Describe an object's motion by tracing its position over time.

4.3.2.c. Demonstrate that the position and motion of objects can be changed by pushing or pulling.

4.3.2.d. Demonstrate how sound is produced when objects vibrate. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.2.d.

4.3.2.e. Change the pitch of sound by changing the rate of vibration. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.2.e.

4.3.3. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of light, heat, electricity, and magnetism.

4.3.3.a. Distinguish between reflection and refraction of light. 4
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.3.a.

4.3.3.b. Identify ways in which heat can be produced (e.g., burning, rubbing, or mixing one substance with another). 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.3.b.

4.3.3.c. Demonstrate heat can flow from one object to another by conduction. 11
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.3.c.

4.3.3.d. Use electricity to produce heat, sound or magnetic effects. 14
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.3.3.d.

4.3.3.e. Demonstrate electrical circuits require a complete loop through which an electrical current can pass.

4.3.3.f. Describe the physical properties of magnets.

NE.4.4. Life Science: Life science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

4.4.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the characteristics of living things.

4.4.1.a. Describe the differences between plants and animals.

4.4.1.b. Describe the various structures of plants and animals necessary for survival and reproduction.

4.4.1.c. Describe how internal stimuli (e.g., hunger) and external stimuli (e.g., changes in the environment) affect behavior of living things. 17
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.4.1.c.

4.4.2. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the life cycles of living things.

4.4.2.a. Describe the life cycle of an organism.

4.4.2.b. Identify inherited characteristics of living things (e.g., color and number of eyes).

4.4.2.c. Identify learned characteristics of living things (e.g., language or hunting for food). 30
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.4.2.c.

4.4.3. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of living things and environments.

4.4.3.a. Diagram a food chain.

4.4.3.b. Explain how environmental changes affect behavior and survival of living things. 42
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.4.3.b.

4.4.3.c. Describe how humans and other living things cause both positive and negative changes in their environment.

NE.4.5. Earth and Space Science: Earth and space science focuses on the science facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models that are important for all students to know, understand, and use.

4.5.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the characteristics of earth materials.

4.5.1.a. Identify characteristics of soils, minerals, rocks, water, and the atmosphere. 38
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.5.1.a.

4.5.1.b. List earth materials that are used by humans (e.g., water, fossil fuels, ores, soils). 41
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.5.1.b.

4.5.1.c. Select the best earth material for a specific human use (e.g., marble-buildings, clay-pottery, coal-heat). 1
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.5.1.c.

4.5.1.d. Describe an ancient environment based on fossil evidence.

4.5.2. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of objects in the sky.

4.5.2.a. Observe and describe how objects move in patterns (e.g., sun, moon, stars, and clouds). 18
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.5.2.a.

4.5.3. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the changes in the earth and sky.

4.5.3.a. Describe how slow processes (e.g., erosion) and rapid processes (e.g., earthquakes), change the earth's surface. 41
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.5.3.a.

4.5.3.b. Describe and measure changes in weather (e.g., temperature, precipitation, and wind direction and speed).

NE.4.6. Science and Technology: An understanding of science and technology establishes connections between the natural and designed world, by linking science with technology.

4.6.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of technological design.

4.6.1.a. Identify a simple problem. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.1.a.

4.6.1.b. Propose a solution to a simple problem. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.1.b.

4.6.1.c. Implement the proposed solution. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.1.c.

4.6.1.d. Evaluate the implementation. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.1.d.

4.6.1.e. Communicate the problem, design, and solution. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.1.e.

4.6.2. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of science and technology.

4.6.2.a. Identify tools or techniques that use scientific knowledge to solve problems. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.2.a.

4.6.2.b. Identify, investigate, and solve a problem in the home or school. 32
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.2.b.

4.6.3. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the abilities to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by humans.

4.6.3.a. Classify an object as either natural or manufactured. 3
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.6.3.a.

NE.4.7. Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: A personal and social perspective of science helps a student understand and act on personal and social issues. This perspective builds a foundation for future decision making.

4.7.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of personal health.

4.7.1.a. Explain how the body uses food and how various foods contribute to health. 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.1.a.

4.7.1.b. Describe how different substances (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, and drugs) can damage the body and alter how it functions. 6
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.1.b.

4.7.2. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of the types of resources.

4.7.2.a. List examples of resources which are basic materials (e.g., air, water, and soil). 23
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.2.a.

4.7.2.b. List examples of resources produced from basic materials (e.g., food, fuel, and building materials). 9
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.2.b.

4.7.2.c. List examples of resources which are intangible materials (e.g., beauty, security, and quiet places). 8
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.2.c.

4.7.2.d. Research and report on the supply of various resources. 42
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.2.d.

4.7.3. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of environmental changes.

4.7.3.a. Distinguish between natural environmental changes and human influenced environmental changes. 42
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.3.a.

4.7.4. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of how science and technology helps communities resolve problems.

4.7.4.a. Research and explain how science and technology affect the quality of life. 12
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.7.4.a.

NE.4.8. History and Nature of Science: The history and nature of science illustrates different aspects of scientific inquiry, the human aspects of science, and the role of science in the development of various cultures.

4.8.1. By the end of fourth grade, students will develop an understanding of science as a human endeavor.

4.8.1.a. Research and report on the contributions to science and technology throughout history by men and women scientists of diverse cultures. 65
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.8.1.a.

4.8.1.b. Research and report on how science is used in different careers. 5
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.8.1.b.

4.8.1.c. Research and report on how current scientific discoveries illustrate that science is an ongoing process. 10
Suggested Titles for Nebraska Science State Standard 4.8.1.c.

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