Nebraska State Standards for Arts Education: Grade 9

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

NE.VPA.K12.1.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students recognize the connections between the arts and their own lives and environments.

VPA K12.D1. Dance

D1.1. Interpret and communicate feelings through dance. (A12)

D1.2. Investigate how dance influences life. (A12)

D1.3. Understand characteristics of a healthy lifestyle as it relates to dance and movement. (A8)

VPA K12.M1. Music

M1.1. Understand the connections between music and significant, individual experiences. (C22)

M1.2. Identify or create musical works which have a strong personal significance to an individual. (C14)

M1.3. Select or create musical works that relate to the learners' lives and discuss the relationship. (C26)

VPA K12.T1. Theatre

T1.1. Understand the contribution of theatre to their own lives and the lives of others. (B5/B11)

T1.2. Recognize how life has players, costumes, makeup and setting. (B7)

T1.3. Experience various theatrical ways to convey ideas or situations. (B8)

VPA K12.V1. Visual Arts

V1.1. Compare the life experiences that appear in images to their own experiences. (D15)

V1.2. Analyze how their own experiences influence their critical judgements about their works and the works of others. (D15)

V1.3. Interpret visual images in cultural/historical context. (D9)

NE.VPA.K12.2.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students recognize the value of the arts in their own learning and creative processes.

VPA K12.D2. Dance

D2.1. Summarize the effects of dance on life. (A24)

D2.2. Recognize how dance encourages self-expression. (A24)

D2.3. Analyze how meaning is conveyed by movement. (A22)

VPA K12.M2. Music

M2.1. Explain how the creative elements in music become powerful vehicles for communicating past, present and future messages. (C13)

M2.2. Explain the connections between music and significant individual experiences. (C22)

M2.3. Identify the expressive musical elements (rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, tone quality) in live or recorded music. (C26)

M2.4. Describe how the expressive musical elements reflect the feelings of characters in program music. (C26)

VPA K12.T2. Theatre

T2.1. Understand how knowledge and skills acquired in theatre can be utilized in lifelong learning. (B7/B4)

T2.2. Synthesize how the elements of a play evoke a personal response. (B9)

T2.3. Recognize relationships between theatre and cultures. (B12)

VPA K12.V2. Visual Arts

V2.1. Interpret how form, symbols, techniques and medium construct meaning in works of art. (D17)

V2.2. Demonstrate the way individual experience contributes to meaning in art. (D9)

V2.3. Analyze the sources of their own works and works of others. (D7)

NE.VPA.K12.3.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students understand the roles of the arts and of artists in the past, present, and future.

VPA K12.D3. Dance

D3.1. Recognize and perform dances from many cultures and time periods. (A13)

D3.2. Analyze and interpret dances of various cultures and times. (A14)

D3.3. Analyze social issues in relation to dance. (A16)

VPA K12.M3. Music

M3.1. Recognize distinguishing characteristics of musical styles that represent various cultures and historical periods. (C16)

M3.2. Identify by characteristics, classify by style and explain the meaning of the music in its time and place. (C16)

M3.3. Understand how the value of music changes when viewed from different cultural perspectives. (C17)

VPA K12.T3. Theatre

T3.1. Understand how a play affirms or challenges societal or personal beliefs. (B23)

T3.2. Recognize and connect universal themes across cultures and times. (B15)

T3.3. Demonstrate how theatre reflects culture. (B13)

VPA K12.V3. Visual Arts

V3.1. Understand that universal themes are addressed through the visual arts. (D11)

V3.2. Recognize ways in which societies have used art to influence its members. (D18)

V3.3. Understand what can be learned about the values of other cultures and the student's own (values) through the visual arts. (D19)

NE.VPA.K12.4.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students exhibit a variety of creative skills in their own artistic expressions and in response to others.

VPA K12.D4. Dance

D4.1. Create and perform a dance conveying an intentional movement. (A18)

D4.2. Understand the relationship of the meaning and environment of dance. (A22)

D4.3. Structure a dance that matches movements to accompaniment. (A9)

VPA K12.M4. Music

M4.1. React to a piece of music through moving, illustrating, verbalizing and writing. (C23)

M4.2. Establish criteria for analyzing an audience reaction to various types of concert settings. (C14)

VPA K12.T4. Theatre

T4.1. Understand the knowledge and skills gained from reading, viewing or performing. (B11)

T4.2. Recognize the importance of audiences in determining meaning. (B12)

T4.3. Express emotions, ideas and opinions through participating in a theatre activity. (B23)

VPA K12.V4. Visual Arts

V4.1. Justify their own criteria for judging artwork. (D14)

V4.2. Analyze how the formal elements and principles are used in a work of art. (D12)

V4.3. Understand and analyze personal and universal feelings and ideas in their artwork. (D5)

NE.VPA.K12.5.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students develop criteria to evaluate their own and others' creative expressions.

VPA K12.D5. Dance

D5.1. Establish criteria to evaluate dance techniques of self and others. (A7/A19)

D5.2. Recognize the level of success through self-expression and audience response. (A11)

VPA K12.M5. Music

M5.1. Develop criteria for making informed critical evaluations of the quality and effectiveness of a piece of music and apply the criteria to their own performances and the performances of others. (C9)

M5.2. Develop vocabulary which describes the various music elements/events. (C19)

VPA K12.T5. Theatre

T5.1. Investigate why and how a play evokes a variety of responses by its audience. (B14)

T5.2. Develop and apply criteria to evaluate the collaborative aspects of a performance. (B16)

T5.3. Establish and apply criteria for different styles of theatre, especially those that challenge conventional definitions. (B18)

VPA K12.V5. Visual Arts

V5.1. Demonstrate a technical knowledge and creative use of the formal elements and design principles in a variety of media. (D4)

V5.2. Articulate their own approach to art and provide interpretations of the ideas or feelings expressed in their works. (D16/D5)

V5.3. Understand the criteria that their own culture uses to evaluate artworks. (D10)

V5.4. Understand ways in which works of art confirm or challenge societal values. (D11)

NE.VPA.K12.6.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students understand connections between the arts and other fields of study.

VPA K12.D6. Dance

D6.1. Understand that activities from other fields of study may be used to create a movement/dance experience. (A20)

D6.2. Perform a dance using principles from other fields of study to communicate meaning. (A6)

D6.3. Understand the kinesthetic needs of people. (A24)

VPA K12.M6. Music

M6.1. Recognize characteristics of music from different historical periods and other cultures. (C18)

M6.2. Identify music from our own cultures which might play a similar function to music from another time/place/culture. (C18)

M6.3. Interpret a piece of music through narration or illustration. (C12)

VPA K12.T6. Theatre

T6.1. Demonstrate how designing a stage set teaches about the principles of design. (B7)

T6.2. Recognize elements in theatre that relate to those in other fields of study. (B19)

T6.3. Discuss how persuasion techniques learned in theatre are used in the media and politics. (B23/B24)

VPA K12.V6. Visual Arts

V6.1. Recognize ways in which society has used art to influence its members. (D18)

V6.2. Recognize examples of universal themes addressed through visual art. (D11)

V6.3. Understand what can be learned about the values of another culture through its art. (D19)

NE.VPA.K12.7.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students recognize diverse perspectives in the creation, performance, interpretation, and evaluation of the arts.

VPA K12.D7. Dance

D7.1. Recognize the factors that make dance important. (A15)

D7.2. Compare and contrast contemporary dance forms to cultural and historical dance forms. (A15)

VPA K12.M7. Music

M7.1. Recognize and demonstrate how manipulating the basic musical elements may alter the meaning. (C13)

M7.2. Identify music from our own cultures which might play a similar function to music from a similar time/place/culture. (C18)

VPA K12.T7. Theatre

T7.1. Understand the importance of diversity when making interpretations and evaluations of theatre. (B21)

T7.2. Analyze how theatre is affected by various social issues. (B14)

T7.3. Recognize relationships between theatre and cultures. (B12)

VPA K12.V7. Visual Arts

V7.1. Evaluate a work of art from at least two different cultural/historical perspectives based on historical investigation. (D10)

V7.2. Recognize how works of art provide a variety of perspectives on a common theme. (D9)

NE.VPA.K12.8.0. Visual and Performing Arts: Students use the visual and performing arts to solve problems.

VPA K12.D8. Dance

D8.1. Choreograph a dance to communicate an idea, mood, or story. (A10)

D8.2. Identify the problems the choreographer solved to create emotional, physical, or intellectual meaning. (A18)

D8.3. Analyze how the elements of dance convey meaning through choreography. (A17)

VPA K12.M8. Music

M8.1. Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines. (C12)

M8.2. Develop criteria for selecting music. (C21)

M8.3. Demonstrate how the creative elements in music become powerful vehicles for communicating past, present, and future messages. (C13)

VPA K12.T8. Theatre

T8.1. Analyze the reactions generated by a performance. (B17)

T8.2. Understand possible expectations of a work and consider if the expectations were met. (B16)

T8.3. Analyze and demonstrate how experiences learned in theatre compare to those learned in life situations. (B19)

VPA K12.V8. Visual Arts

V8.1. Articulate their own approach(es) to art. (D16)

V8.2. Interpret events in images and justify their interpretation. (D5)

V8.3. Demonstrate a technical knowledge and creative use of the formal elements and design principles in a variety of media. (D4)

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