Mississippi State Standards for Language Arts: Kindergarten

Currently Perma-Bound only has suggested titles for grades K-8 in the Science and Social Studies areas. We are working on expanding this.

MS.1. The student will use word recognition and vocabulary (word meaning) skills to communicate.

1.a. The student will apply knowledge of concepts about print. (DOK 1)

1.a.1. Demonstrate an understanding of correct book orientation by holding the book correctly and indicating where to begin reading (e.g., front to back, top to bottom, left to right).

1.a.2. Demonstrate that print carries meaning for the reader.

1.a.3. Identify front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.

1.a.4. Point to words in a text when reading aloud, matching spoken words to print.

1.a.5. Track words from left to right and top to bottom on a printed page.

1.a.6. Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.

1.a.7. Distinguish letters from words.

1.a.8. Distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

1.b. The student will apply knowledge of phonological and phonemic awareness. (DOK 2)

1.b.1. Break spoken sentences into individual words (e.g., claps, taps, speaks).

1.b.2. Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt (e.g., fat/cat, wig/pig, hid/kid).

1.b.3. Recognize the beginning, final, and some medial sounds in spoken words (e.g., /k/ in cat, /t/ in fat, /o/ in hop).

1.b.4. Generate a group of spoken words that begin or end with the same sound (e.g., pig, party, penguin and cat, hot, sit).

1.b.5. Identify, blend, and segment syllables within spoken words (e.g., clap the syllables in ''letter,'' sum + mer = summer, and football = foot +ball).

1.b.6. Blend and segment the onset and rime of spoken one-syllable words (e.g., /h/ + at = hat, big = /b/+ ig).

1.b.7. Articulate phonemes correctly.

1.b.8. Blend phonemes orally to make a word (e.g., /p/ /a/ /t/ = pat, /b/ /u / /g/ = bug).

1.b.9. Segment phonemes orally within a spoken word (e.g., sit = /s/ /i/ /t/, rap = /r/ /a/ /p/).

1.c. The student will use word recognition skills. (DOK 1)

1.c.1. Match all consonant and short vowel sounds to the appropriate letters.

1.c.2. Understand the alphabetic principle, which means as letters in words change, so do the sounds in the words.

1.c.3. Blend letter sounds in one syllable words.

1.c.4. Begin to recognize common word families.

1.c.5. Read some words derived from common word families (e.g., -at, -ig, -ot).

1.c.6. Recognize some high frequency words in text (e.g., the, has, an, can, run, color words, and number words).

1.c.7. Read some sight words (e.g., high frequency words, logos and/or signs in environmental print, and words in language experience text).

1.d. The student will understand and explain the meaning of common affixes (e.g., un-, re-, -s, -es, -ed, -ing). (DOK 1)

1.e. The student will develop and apply knowledge of words and word meanings to communicate. (DOK 1)

1.e.1. Name pictures of common objects and concepts.

1.e.2. Use words to describe location, size, color, and shape.

1.e.3. Identify and sort pictures of common words into basic categories (e.g., animals, foods, toys).

1.e.4. Begin to recognize word relationships.

1.f. The student will name commonly used synonyms and antonyms (e.g., big/huge, tiny/small, hot/cold, happy/sad). (DOK 1)

1.g. The student will use pictures and context to understand the meaning of a word. (DOK 2)

1.h. The student will use reference materials to find, to confirm the meaning of, to pronounce, or to spell unknown words with assistance (e.g., picture dictionary, teacher and/or peer as resource). (DOK 1)

MS.2. The student will apply strategies and skills to comprehend, respond to, interpret, or evaluate a variety of texts of increasing levels of length, difficulty, and complexity.

2.a. The student will use text features, parts of a book, text structures, and genres to analyze text. (DOK 2)

2.a.1. Text features - titles, illustrations, etc.

2.a.2. Parts of a book - title page, title, author, illustrator, etc.

2.a.3. Text structures - sequential order

2.a.4. Genres - fiction, nonfiction, and poetry (nursery rhymes)

2.b. The student will understand and make simple inferences about text. (DOK 2)

2.b.1. Answer literal who, what, and where questions.

2.b.2. Identify and discuss main characters, settings, and major events.

2.b.3. Use illustrations to discuss the main idea of a simple story.

2.b.4. Make simple inferences about narrative and/or informational text.

2.c. The student will recognize or generate an appropriate summary or paraphrase of the events or ideas in text. (DOK 2)

2.c.1. Retell a familiar story with the book as a reference.

2.c.2. Retell a familiar story without the book including a beginning, middle, and end.

2.c.3. Retell two to three steps in the sequence of events in text shared with the student.

2.d. The student will respond to narrative and informational texts in a variety of ways that reflect understanding and interpretation. (DOK 2)

2.d.1. Interpret text through moving, drawing, speaking, acting, or singing.

2.d.2. Make connections between self and text after shared reading.

2.d.3. Compose visual images (e.g., draw a picture based on something in the text).

2.d.4. Identify favorite passages.

MS.3. The student will express, communicate, evaluate, or exchange ideas effectively.

3.a. The student will use an appropriate composing process (e.g., planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing/sharing). (DOK 3)

3.a.1. Planning: Begin to use graphic organizers to generate and organize ideas.

3.a.2. Drafting: Begin to put thoughts on paper through use of scribbling, symbols, pictures, or words. [Writing for kindergarten students is defined as making marks and/or symbols on a page that possess meaning for the author.]

3.a.3. Revising: Begin to add details to compositions.

3.a.4. Editing: Begin to edit for capitalization and end punctuation in written compositions.

3.a.5. Publishing/Sharing: Share compositions with others by displaying and retelling ideas.

3.b. The student will compose a description of a person, place, or thing. (DOK 3)

3.b.1. Compose drawings/visual images and orally describe compositions.

3.b.2. Compose oral descriptions of a familiar person, place, or thing.

3.c. The student will compose a personal story or narrative. (DOK 3)

3.c.1. Compose dictated narratives relating a personal story.

3.c.2. Compose drawings/visual images and use to dictate a personal story or narrative.

3.d. The student will compose informational text about a familiar topic (e.g., families, animals, etc.). (DOK 3)

3.d.1. Compose class reports/charts about a familiar topic.

3.d.2. Functional texts (e.g., labels, notes, etc.).

MS.4. The student will apply Standard English to communicate.

4.a. The student will use Standard English grammar. (DOK 1)

4.a.1. Begin to recognize the use of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

4.a.2. Begin to recognize the use of articles and conjunctions.

4.b. The student will use Standard English mechanics. (DOK 1)

4.b.1. Begin to recognize and use end punctuation (e.g., period, question mark, exclamation mark) in shared writing.

4.b.2. Begin to recognize and use capital letters (e.g., first word in a sentence, name) in shared writing.

4.b.3. Begin to use developmentally appropriate spelling.

4.b.3.1. Recognize and record some beginning and ending sounds in words.

4.b.3.2. Spell first and last name.

4.b.3.3. Spell some sight words.

4.b.4. Develop handwriting skills

4.b.4.1. Position paper in order to write in a left to right progression moving from top to bottom on the page

4.b.4.2. Trace/draw recognizable shapes.

4.b.4.3. Reproduce a visual pattern.

4.b.4.4. Trace, copy, and generate letters.

4.b.4.5. Write first and last name legibly.

4.c. The student will begin to use a variety of sentence structures. (DOK 1)

4.c.1. Speak in complete sentences.

4.c.2. Initiate questions in conversation using age-appropriate words, phrases, and sentences.

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